Teams and Walkers

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Sample Event

Join us on sample date

Tuesday - August 8, 2023

The Bike4Chai festivities kick off Tuesday evening in the Kalahari Resort. Upon arrival, you will receive your room key and be greeted with a buffet hospitality dinner. Spend time with fellow riders and get a good night’s sleep to gear up for the start line in the morning.

Day 1
Wednesday - August 9, 2023

Bike4Chai officially begins! In the early hours of the morning, riders set out on three clearly marked routes (50, 70 or 100 miles) that wind through the picturesque hills of New Jersey and the Pocono Mountains. Fully stocked rest stops - complete with food, supplies, and entertainment - provide riders with an opportunity to refresh and recharge every 20 miles. SAG, mechanical, and medical support is available throughout the ride to remedy any problem that may arise. Arrive back at Kalahari Resort to relax and take part of the grand pre-ride "Pasta Party"!

Day 2
Thursday - August 10, 2023

Day 2’s route unfolds through the Pocono Mountains and upstate New York. Support and rest stops are consistent with the previous day’s arrangements. One mile before Camp Simcha, the ride officially ends. The riders regroup and are treated to a well-deserved celebratory BBQ. Riders arrive at camp simultaneously, crossing “The World’s Greatest Finish Line” in a jubilant, unified group. Bike4Chai is greeted by the ecstatic campers and families for a celebration.