Humble Beginnings
In 2009, a solitary rider named Dovid Egert, a devoted Chai Lifeline volunteer, raised $10,000 in donations sponsoring a 135-mile bike ride from his home in Lakewood, NJ to Camp Simcha in Glen Spey, NY. His revolutionary ride provided the children of Camp Simcha with the summer of a lifetime; it also sparked an enormous innovation in fundraising.
The next year, Yoel Margolese, along with lay leaders Alan Shamah, Abie Maleh and Elliot Zaks were joined by 38 inspired riders and established Bike4Chai.
This summer, hundreds of riders will participate in the 14th Bike4Chai ride, spanning two states over the course of two days. They will experience a cohesive, motivational ride through 100 miles of breathtaking scenery and incredible unity, triumphantly crossing a finish line like no other.